Monday, March 24, 2008

spring break, possible puppies?

Dane and I stood together and waved this morning as our last Spring Break group rolled their suitcases full of hammocks and seashells into the airport to head back to college life. This month has been a whirlwind. More than 70 college students, professors, and priests passed through our doors this March to spend their Spring Break time learning what we do and who we love and how important it is to wear sunblock this close to the equator.

Dane and I led two groups back-to-back (exciting, but completely exhausting). The Texas Episcopal college ministry brought down 19 Texas, Baylor, and Texas A&M students and 2 priests. It was so encouraging to have my college ministry supporting and experiencing my life here. Then a group from Worcester State College in Massachusetts came to work on the Microfinance program we run in Cedro Galan.

In other news, we think our dog Sydney is prego. Dane claims that the birth control shot he gave her said it would work for 6 months, but I think he made that up because he wanted puppies.

Tonight is Matt's last Monday Night Meeting. He's heading back to the states next week, and I feel sad. It feels like the beginning of the end. Here's to you Matt...